Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Those of you that newer Macs at home, This operating system upgrade is free from the apple app store.  Apple is redefining the model for personal computers and software.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Product Innovation homework assignment

Product Innovation

Be sure to complete the list I shared with you of articles,as well as completing the class schedules form.  Homework for weekend,  read chapter 4 in IMAGINE.  Be prepared to journal about your reading.

Middle school video production unit.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Princeton Technology and Engineering Department Blog

Blog Entry #1

My name is Mr. Scott Simacek. I have been teaching Technology and Engineering Education here in Princeton since January, 1989 . During my years teaching, I have seen many changes to the district as well as the Technology and Engineering Department. The latest changes I have been involved in is the Product Innovation /CEED class. I have been updating our entire technology and engineering curriculum. I enjoy using new and innovative engineering software and practices. You can reach me at work by e-mail

or calling 920-295-6571 ext 1302.
or 302-simacek
The best time to get a hold of me is between
7:05 am and 7:55 am.