Friday, September 27, 2013

Product Innovation homework assignment

Product Innovation

Be sure to complete the list I shared with you of articles,as well as completing the class schedules form.  Homework for weekend,  read chapter 4 in IMAGINE.  Be prepared to journal about your reading.

Middle school video production unit.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Princeton Technology and Engineering Department Blog

Blog Entry #1

My name is Mr. Scott Simacek. I have been teaching Technology and Engineering Education here in Princeton since January, 1989 . During my years teaching, I have seen many changes to the district as well as the Technology and Engineering Department. The latest changes I have been involved in is the Product Innovation /CEED class. I have been updating our entire technology and engineering curriculum. I enjoy using new and innovative engineering software and practices. You can reach me at work by e-mail
or calling 920-295-6571 ext 1302.
or 302-simacek
The best time to get a hold of me is between
7:05 am and 7:55 am.